jueves, 25 de junio de 2009

My ideal work

If I should imagine my ideal job, I think that I prefer work in some international organization, something linked to human development or help to poor people in some forgotten country. I really don´t care the money that the organization pays for it (while it´s pay my food and a comfortable house) I mean, I don´t dream whit big luxuries, that’s why I don´t want to be the director of some public service… (It is really stressing, besides who loves to the boss?? jeje) On the other hand, when you work in these organizations, the pay is not something monetary; it is more the pleasure to make a good job and that made you feel that you can change the life to people who deserves… I´m never agree with the fact that the money element limit the capacity, all we are different in abilities and characteristics, but equal in rights, I always think that is very basic discriminate the people because the money factor and it shows an intellectually poor society, so to work in this kind of organizations you need have this idea very clear, and its involve to specific moral values. Besides the moral and ethics elements, if you believe in it, you must work develop the academic element to get the correct solutions, because that this is a good career to do it (you learn many things and you get a wide scope)

The difficult comes to the field of the family dedications, associate to the fact to be traveling all the time, but if you are strong to teach them- and to teach others- about the benefices and the way that you change forever the life to the people, the work would be easy because you will be creating conscience and doing a better world

jueves, 18 de junio de 2009

July´s blog

Today, I´m going to talk about Julia´s blog. It is not a random decision, it is because I think that Julia is a consistent person, I mean she always is in the same line to think and act on different situations and I love her blog because it reflects her deeps believes, even it names reflect it: “Think green”. I choose her too, because when somebody asks me about what is my favorite post this semester, it is the Julia´s post above what Chilean politics we will change if we could. She writes about the need to change the environmental policies, and develop an analysis about the Chilean situations…and she was right: our government and all we, should take conscience and care our planet, because if we destroy it, we are destroyed our future too, we need effective policies about it, education at the theme, and put the sources looking for renewable energy. So… go on Julita!

I love the pictures and the background color too; I think that all in this blog is perfect and harmonious.

jueves, 11 de junio de 2009

about Ken Robinson

Well, after a long wait I can hear something about Ken Robinson said the 2006 about the education, and I think that in many ways he is right . The educational system reduce the possibilities to the child to develop their creativity, the teachers how were educated by this system too, punish the mistakes, but without a mistake the children haven’t the possibility to innovate, create… always behind a good idea, a new technology devises and even a new theory, the people how create it, had to try it again and again to get good results.

The old public educational system is not useful to the new world where we live. The new world requires creativity to answer the change in a fast and efficient way. The new world value the talent to each people, talents like dance, corporal expression, music, culture, etc, but the public system still punish the difference. The extreme academism (a old idea) stigmatizes who get bad grades: if you haven’t good grades you can’t go to university and if you can’t go to university you never had a good job… but the real word needs more than this… each day grow the idea to people with the capability to integrate elements, is really useful a boss who knows many about techniques tools but haven’t social intelligence?, this example show us too, the need to recognize our capabilities and our difference and for this idea, we need save the talents to all, so the Ken Robinson call’s is true: we need a revolution in the educational system to can develop creativity and value the difference too

jueves, 4 de junio de 2009

Well, if I could change something about the Chilean politics, I think that I will change the level of popular participation. I think that when we believes in a real democratic country, is essential develop the participation, because all the citizen most know the critical areas that affect them directly, so, the application of the social programs will be easily and effective. When the authorities trust in their citizen, it develops the social network, making it stronger. So empowering the people, you help to the transparency, the people trust in the provided of their rulers and to a better country.
To develop the citizen participation is necessary new laws and a government structure to do it possible. It needs too, the commitment of all the social, politics and economics sectors to respect the point of view of all the people. This mean that a citizen participation´s culture requires a big interaction and the recognition of the differences between the social members, nobody (social, economic or culture groups) can be over another, because it do equal in their rights to all the people at the same time that it values our differences .

viernes, 29 de mayo de 2009

My best friends are Ángela, Claudia, Arturo y Poncha. I met hthem when I entered to University in 2004 (the first time) but us wasn´t friends until second year. They are really interesting people, and very intelligent, specially Ángela she always knows many things of all the topics, but when she talks about politics, government or thinks like that, she is a master, Arturo is a master in management (Claudia too) and Poncha…she is “The Ponchis”, the parties queen…but the best about all they is that they are a very good people (many people from the University don´t think that because Ángela and Arturo are extremely honest and some people don’t like it so all they are a few politics fans).
The things that made us different is that now they are very occupied people, they haven´t time because always are doing something like social projects, research or class (in the University or in the social work) they already finished their class so I don´t see them very often. Ángela for example is working in CEPAL (I envy) and if I talk about our differences… we are totally opposite… our group is very miscellaneous in all the senses so is very difficult keep us in pace and balance but we do with honesty: always saying all the truth.
They are crazy people that’s maybe why I love them, they are really funny and we always have something (or someone) to laugh together and they always are in the bad times… they are my best friends

martes, 12 de mayo de 2009

My favourite Web site

Well, the truth is that I don’t have a favourite web site, maybe because I don’t have a internet connection in my house… I only have access in the university so there I visited web sites about mail or home works and things like that (when the university’s computers have connection… you know what I mean).But if I should select one that I visit in the free time is the “Las Ültimas Noticias” web site (www.lun.cl) . Here you can visit and read the newspaper, and participate in rankings news.

I visited because it always remember me that in this country there are many things with out relevance…is incredibly that one of the most important newspaper- one the most sold in the country- always talk about the unimportant detail of the news… when I visit it I think about the mothers of those journalist that studied many years paying much money for them careers to end working in this newspaper what they think about?… when the news is a car crush with 5 young people dead, they talk about the sexuality of one of them (the news is he sexuality not the irresponsibility of the young when they dive and the need to develop a citizen responsibility about drink an drive, or policies about ).

Today for example, this was the news that this web site highlight today:
-“Hot couples are filmed by cameras of the central highway” (vial security)
-“The top ten naked of the sport” (international sport)
-“What the men most know to don’t fade in sex” (socity)
-“Ex friends made her chilli sauce” (fee time)
- “Beauty girl of the 80´s Latin rock now is famous because her cookies” (the day´s news)
Besides the web site offer: previous versions of the same newspaper and many other newspapers and reviews, forums for the readers, pictures gallery and the option to send the news by e-mail.

Visit http://www.lun.cl/ and get information… if it’s Chilean is god??

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009

A special song..

Well this is a song with a little story for me: When I was in the high school (just a few years ago jeje) my teachers discovered that we never read the books so they chose put pictures and they forced us to watch it, and then we must answered a test. That way, our teachers discovered that it was a good form to develop the analysis capability, because my classmates weren´t really interested in the school (the true is that it never was a good school). In this context, we washed “Dangerous mind” a film from 1995 with Michel Pfiffer like an inexperienced school teacher who comes to a new school with many problematic students: each them was a social problem in itself. It was really close to my school reality so many of my classmates and friends feel really identified, when we washed the movie, was the first time that I saw him in silence. The main theme song was “Gangstas paradise” by Coolio, a strongly and hard rap song, that say the story of a guy that recognize the difficult to live a dangerous life, but he feel that he hasn´t another options to be who he is, he say: “I'm an educated fool with money on my mind Got my 10 in my hand and a gleam in my eye”, but this is what he is, and what he was, it´s the only option and he knows that their only possible ending is the dead.

The true is that I don´t like the rap very much, but the context, and the reactions of my classmates made from this song something unforgettable from me…

Gangsta's Paradise By Coolio

As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I take a look at my life
and realize there's nothing left.
'Cause I've been blasting and laughing so long
that even my momma thinks that my mind has gone.
But I ain't never crossed a man that didn't deserve it.
Maybe treated like a punk, you know that's unheard of.
You betta watch how ya talking
and where ya walking
or you and your homies might be lined in chalk.
I really hate to trip but I gotta loc,
as they croak, I see myself in the pistol smoke.
Fool, I'm the kinda g that little homie's wanna be like,
on my knees in the night
saying prayers in the street light.

Been spending most our lives
living in a gangsta's paradise.
Been spending most our lives
living in a gangsta's paradise.
Keep spending most our lives
living in a gangsta's paradise.

Look at the situation, they got me facing,
I can't live a normal life, I was raised by the state.
So I gotta be down with the 'hood team,
too much television watching, got me chasing dreams.
I'm an educated fool with money on my mind
got my ten in my hand and a gleam in my eye.
I'm a locked out gangsta, set tripping banger
and my homies are down so don't arouse my anger.
Fool, death ain't nothing but a heart beat away,
I'm living life do or die, what can I say?
I'm twenty-three now, will I ever live to see twenty-four,
the way things is going I don't know.
Tell me why are
we so blind to see.
That the ones we hurt
are you and me?

Been spending most our lives
living in a gangsta's paradise.
Been spending most our lives
living in a gangsta's paradise.
Keep spending most our lives
living in a gangsta's paradise.

Power in the money, money in the power,
minute after minute, hour after hour,
everybody's running, but half of them ain't looking
it's going on in the kitchen
but I don't know what's cooking.
They say I gotta learn
but nobody's here to teach me.
If they can't understand it, how can they reach me?
I guess they can't,
I guess they won't,
I guess they front,
that's why I know my life is out of luck, fool!.

Been spending most our lives
living in a gangsta's paradise.
Been spending most our lives
living in a gangsta's paradise.
Keep spending most our lives
living in a gangsta's paradise.

Tell me why are
we so blind to see.
That the ones we hurt
are you and me?
Tell me why are
we so blind to see.
That the ones we hurt
are you and me?

jueves, 30 de abril de 2009

My favourite piece of technology

There are so many piece of technology that I can’t choose just one, so I think that all them can be summarize in the “electric energy”. Some times we forget that almost all technological elements need the electricity to work… I know that, because sometimes my family and I going to visit the country, and in some places there isn’t electrical energy… this is terrible… in the early days you can try to see it from the romantic o adventure side (to eat or made usual things), but at the end, the patience as gone and you need feel the sensation to press a button to read, wash tv, use the computer and even to see the way to bathroom in the darks nights... that’s why I love the electricity!! (ja, ja)

We use the electric energy all day, every time since we born, but we don’t really know how it came to us. Recently, for family things, I learned some things about, like the installation of a electric system in a place without it, is really expensive and difficult:
First, you need a measure of the distance between the last electric connection and your place, then whit this; you go to the electric company, there is when you realize that the cost is really high: their can charge you millions for it!!...In this point, if you don’t have enough money, you are destroyed, buying candles…
But you have one hope yet: the policies and programs from the government can help you!!... And then the bureaucracy will become your new problem …
My familiar experience takes one year, and it is not resolve yet… so the next time that you turn on the lights, thinks in all the process that it involves, and appreciates the importance of the electricity.

jueves, 23 de abril de 2009

A public manager

I study public management and I choose it around five years ago. I always like the public service, because I think that there are many persons that need develop themselves but they cannot do it. Our country really need to that persons, but we live on an unequal educational and economic system: we can´t lose their talents and we need understand it and do something about

The public manager works in the government and public organizations. They made studies about the people needs and work to develop the social policies and the strategic plans. Their obligations are always respect the law and use with effectiveness and efficiency the public resources, besides, the promotion to the social welfare.

A good professional of this career needs get knowledge about the government functions, the law, managerial tools, and how formulate and value social programs; it is not the same that the private sector´s abilities, because we always need focus in the government and social goals.

My favorite subjects are the formulation and analysis of the effectiveness of the social´s programs, and the management of resources. Is here we really feel what the public value is.
Like you can see, I love what I´m doing, and really believe in it.

martes, 21 de abril de 2009


Well this is where I spent my vacation: Pichilemu. I`m sorry because I can`t put a picture of me… but I dont like the pictures so I never take them. I spent two weeks there with my all my family and my boyfriend. Pichilemu is a great beach but the water is really cold so you can`t be much time swimming.

Pichilemu is also known as the city's world surfing because the waves are huge all year, so, while touring, you can see many Americans and Australians with their tables around. Also nights are fun, on holiday are many people walking through the parks and beach, and sometimes you can go to the musical shows on the beach or buy handicraft.

I love Pichilemu, it's fun, but also is very relaxing, it has many places to visit and learn about interesting things and of course, to dance and have a good time too.

This is a good place to have fun and relax in good company

jueves, 9 de abril de 2009

all about

Hello, well, here I am, writing without many things to say, but the work is the work, so:

My name is Tamara and I´m student of Public Management in the Universidad de Chile. This is my second year of English (I´m in third level with miss Jaramillo) and I hope get good marks this year.

I always like learn lenguages, specially english, but I need develope some special areas like speaking, because this is difficult for me: I always forget some important words or the tense of the sentences, but this is only because I am a bit absent-minded

Well thats all... I see you son.