viernes, 29 de mayo de 2009

My best friends are Ángela, Claudia, Arturo y Poncha. I met hthem when I entered to University in 2004 (the first time) but us wasn´t friends until second year. They are really interesting people, and very intelligent, specially Ángela she always knows many things of all the topics, but when she talks about politics, government or thinks like that, she is a master, Arturo is a master in management (Claudia too) and Poncha…she is “The Ponchis”, the parties queen…but the best about all they is that they are a very good people (many people from the University don´t think that because Ángela and Arturo are extremely honest and some people don’t like it so all they are a few politics fans).
The things that made us different is that now they are very occupied people, they haven´t time because always are doing something like social projects, research or class (in the University or in the social work) they already finished their class so I don´t see them very often. Ángela for example is working in CEPAL (I envy) and if I talk about our differences… we are totally opposite… our group is very miscellaneous in all the senses so is very difficult keep us in pace and balance but we do with honesty: always saying all the truth.
They are crazy people that’s maybe why I love them, they are really funny and we always have something (or someone) to laugh together and they always are in the bad times… they are my best friends

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