jueves, 25 de junio de 2009

My ideal work

If I should imagine my ideal job, I think that I prefer work in some international organization, something linked to human development or help to poor people in some forgotten country. I really don´t care the money that the organization pays for it (while it´s pay my food and a comfortable house) I mean, I don´t dream whit big luxuries, that’s why I don´t want to be the director of some public service… (It is really stressing, besides who loves to the boss?? jeje) On the other hand, when you work in these organizations, the pay is not something monetary; it is more the pleasure to make a good job and that made you feel that you can change the life to people who deserves… I´m never agree with the fact that the money element limit the capacity, all we are different in abilities and characteristics, but equal in rights, I always think that is very basic discriminate the people because the money factor and it shows an intellectually poor society, so to work in this kind of organizations you need have this idea very clear, and its involve to specific moral values. Besides the moral and ethics elements, if you believe in it, you must work develop the academic element to get the correct solutions, because that this is a good career to do it (you learn many things and you get a wide scope)

The difficult comes to the field of the family dedications, associate to the fact to be traveling all the time, but if you are strong to teach them- and to teach others- about the benefices and the way that you change forever the life to the people, the work would be easy because you will be creating conscience and doing a better world

2 comentarios:

  1. for job in iunternational organization, is very inportant, the second lenguage,

    which is the second lenguage ?


  2. The time in this case is very essential, because the love for the other is the primordial action to achieve this objectives, as well sacrifice the opportunity of the form a within complications. But is a beautiful work.
    Regards nena
